
  • L&G's later living business acquires 10-acre site for retirees

    24 September 2020

    Asset has a gross development value of £100m

  • M&G Real Estate secures 10-year lease with health club

    24 September 2020

    The Birmingham office complex will also be the home of BT

  • IAR 2020 Americas: Day 2 round up

    23 September 2020

    All panels and sessions are available on demand

  • The art of liquidity stress testing

    23 September 2020

    Panellists at the Insurance Asset Risk 2020 Americas event discuss the ins and outs of liquidity stress testing, from the design of the test to the use of the results. Compiled by Stephanie Harris

  • IAR 2020 Americas: NAIC puts liquidity stress tests on ice, due to the live one underway

    23 September 2020

    Code name: COVID-19

  • Alternatives have emerged even stronger from COVID-19 crisis

    23 September 2020

    IAR 2020 Americas: Panellists expect trend toward greater allocation to illiquids to accelerate

  • IAR 2020 Americas: Cheap opportunities difficult to access this year, insurers say

    23 September 2020

    Panellists point to increased complexity in modelling bond market risk

  • COVID-19 impact on USA insurer portfolios very difficult to model

    23 September 2020

    IAR 2020 Americas: Panellists thrown by unpredictability of lockdown, bank interventions

  • Financial institutions on track for IBOR phase out

    23 September 2020

    Insurers, asset managers and banks better prepared now than a year ago, according to Moody's survey

  • IAR 2020 Americas: Day 1 round up

    22 September 2020

    Insurance Asset Risk annual Americas conference held virtually on 22 and 23 September