
  • MACIF launches €20m affiliated impact asset manager

    07 October 2020

    Manager linked to French government initiative for a "social and solidarity economy"

  • Allianz makes first equity investment in Polish renewables

    07 October 2020

    Acquiring two solar and wind infrastructure projects

  • Two German insurers beat 10% net investment yield in 2019

    07 October 2020

    But life insurers make just above sector's average crediting rate

  • Danish insurer reveals right to sell defaulting mortgages back to bank

    07 October 2020

    Contractual ability leaves Alm Brand Forsikring with no credit risk on deeds

  • USA life insurers credit portfolios to be hit with meaningful losses next year

    06 October 2020

    Fitch report predicts biggest impact of COVID-19 downgrades to be in 2021

  • ASI launches global innovation equity fund

    06 October 2020

    Looks for companies with societal improvement innovations

  • Folksam Fondförsäkring launches climate-friendly fund portfolios

    06 October 2020

    Swedish insurer offers three levels of risk available to investors

  • Video: IAR Americas CIO panel replay - leading through a crisis

    06 October 2020

    Sponsored by Macquarie

  • Gothaer applies ESG benchmarking to property investments

    06 October 2020

    Decision follows German insurer's earlier moves on UN PRI

  • Skandia to reduce fossil fuel holdings by 75% by 2025

    06 October 2020

    Swedish insurer excludes 25 companies including Exxon Mobil and Chevron