
  • LGIM to launch ESG emerging market equity fund with AP1

    25 November 2020

    Capital to be allocated based on how well companies score on ESG criteria

  • Manulife and AllianzGI form partnership for Hong Kong pension business

    25 November 2020

    Canadian insurer to become sponsor, AllianzGI to focus on investment management

  • Italian insurers would suffer double the pain on private debt downgrades

    25 November 2020

    In ESRB extreme 'fallen angels' test, Italian insurers lose 13% of surplus assets

  • COVID a chance to pick cheap assets, but don't anticipate high returns

    24 November 2020

    Schroders' Institutional Investor Study reveals insurance investors' expectations

  • Helvetia buys into peer-to-peer insurance provider

    24 November 2020

    Swiss underwriter wants market intelligence about younger buyers, and P2P models

  • MS&AD vows to keep cutting strategic equity

    24 November 2020

    While Japanese rivals Orix Life and Sumitomo Life are adding to PE

  • US insurer liquidity risk at post-2008 highs

    23 November 2020

    Fed warns of increased difficulty of meeting claims as illiquid assets shoot past 12-year highs

  • Aviva Vita - a life not so dolce with BTP spreads

    23 November 2020

    Aviva plans selling the unit for €400m to Unicredit

  • Comment : ESG investing in credit without compromise

    23 November 2020

    Andrew Epsom, insurance client solutions director at Royal London Asset Management, considers the continuing trend towards ESG investing in credit, but highlights that in many cases the approaches being adopted may not result in either the environmental or financial outcomes that insurers are seeking.

  • Sumitomo Life and SBI Investment create joint venture fund

    20 November 2020

    To invest in start-ups including wellness companies