
  • Axa IMRA enters European life science sector with lab office firm acquisition

    26 November 2020

    Purchase is worth €500m, Insurance Asset Risk has learnt

  • Aviva updates market on bond downgrades

    26 November 2020

    UK insurer avoided defaults entirely in Q3

  • Australian non-life insurers tumble to worst nine-month investment result in four years

    26 November 2020

    But Zurich and mutuals shine in Q3

  • Over half of US insurers have not altered investment strategy for climate

    26 November 2020

    US's biggest insurer climate survey shows gaps in industry's climate change work

  • Skandia invests SEK 1bn in green train infrastructure bond

    26 November 2020

    Bond has maturity of eight years and coupon of 0.49%

  • Baloise invests €5.5m with EnBW in Berlin mobility start-up

    26 November 2020

    Insurer now holds minority stake in company

  • Axa IMRA to buy logistics development site in the UK

    26 November 2020

    Adds to asset manager's €1.6bn European logistics portfolio

  • Generali boutique launches two infrastructure funds

    26 November 2020

    Parental €290m injection is about 10% of all Italian holdings in such funds

  • Insurers divested 12% of fossil fuel portfolios in 2020, study finds

    25 November 2020

    Hydro and waste and biomass power plants of interest as assets to insurers

  • Use of stress tests: careful not to address the fire that just happened

    25 November 2020

    Ash Belur, a director at Willis Towers Watson's insurance investment team, discusses insurers' usage of stress tests in their investment portfolios and how 2020 might have thrown many of the scenario assumptions out of the window. Interview by Vincent Huck