
  • Hannover Re reports €7bn increase in AuM

    11 March 2022

    A result of a strong performance from inflation-linked bonds and alternatives

  • Internal model users' understanding of market and credit risk varies greatly

    11 March 2022

    Which calls for continuous supervisory scrutiny, EIOPA says

  • Chart of the week: Might the King of Thailand look at FWD's equities mandates?

    11 March 2022

    At least from time to time?

  • Debeka plans sub-80% classic fixed income exposure and harder ESG engagement

    10 March 2022

    GDV reveals German insurers have €11bn invested in solar/wind renewables

  • Societe Generale Assurances signed Finance for Biodiversity pledge

    10 March 2022

    And adapts investment policy to help prevent deforestation

  • MACIF invests in car-sharing network, Citiz

    09 March 2022

    A partner of the French insurer for over 15 years

  • Allianz Real Estate supports London ESG mixed-use development

    09 March 2022

    Contributing £200m to a consortium of four sponsors

  • CNP Assurances acquires €2.4bn housing unit portfolio

    09 March 2022

    Aiming to rebalance its property portfolio allocation

  • CIO interview: Hiscox lined up for 2022 reinvestment opportunities

    09 March 2022

    James Millard was appointed group CIO at Hiscox in January 2020. He looks back at the last two years and explains why he has high expectations for 2022. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • Comment - Allianz's life-milestone takes a capital-millstone from Bäte's neck

    08 March 2022

    Rivals may find the 'unshackling' of life and health capital burdens at Allianz unwelcome news