
  • Generali reveals €683m Russia / Ukraine GA exposure

    15 March 2022

    Unit-linked sales drive Generali's life fortunes in 2021

  • C-Ross Explainer - Liquidity risk

    15 March 2022

    C-Ross Phase II imposes requirements for liquidity stress tests and spells out regulatory indicators for potential illiquidity danger

  • Rapid rate rise a primary risk for US life insurers

    14 March 2022

    Federal Reserve due to start raising rates this week

  • AXA IM Alts looks to "re-invent" office assets

    14 March 2022

    An important asset class after two years of remote working, the manager said

  • Talanx reports 11% investment income increase

    14 March 2022

    Due to gains from alternative investments and inflation-linked bonds

  • French central bank governor announces further slow-down of QE programme

    14 March 2022

    But "we won't touch interest rates", he says

  • AIA reveals Chinese investment mix as C-Ross Phase II begins

    14 March 2022

    Group boosted China sovereigns in 2021 at expense of all other debt holdings

  • Entering the Dragon - IAR launches series with unparalleled insights into C-Ross Phase II

    14 March 2022

    Series includes profiles of insurers and other key figures in China, Q&As, analysis, factual 'Explainers' and comments. Follow the guide David Walker

  • PIC reports growing investment especially in private debt

    11 March 2022

    While it continues to de-risk the portfolio

  • MAPFRE to halt investments in coal, oil and gas companies

    11 March 2022

    Which are not aligned with 1.5C transition