
  • PIC grows exposure to UK social housing

    27 July 2017

    Announces £60m deal split into three tranches to match its liabilities

  • Solvency II filings reveal extent of life insurers' illiquid investments

    28 June 2017

    Insurance Risk Data, the data service offered by the publishers of IAR, examined the QRTs of Europe's largest life companies that together run €1trn of investments and found they had allocated €375.7bn to five illiquid asset classes. David Walker reports

  • Political risk stifles infrastructure investment

    15 June 2017

    Insurers remain wary of policymakers changing the goalposts, while building in-house origination capabilities can help capture the illiquidity premium, practitioners say

  • Insurance CIOs, regulators and investment leaders join IAR line up

    22 March 2017

    ABI chief Hugh Savill will discuss effect of changing regulation on insurers' investments

  • Quasi-government loans: an elusive illiquid

    17 August 2016

    Supply of much-wanted government-backed loans is short, but the UK's referendum may change that to the benefit of life insurers. Asa Gibson reports.

  • Brexit leaves insurers facing an uncertain investment future

    27 June 2016

    Most UK insurers hedged against risks, which should reduce impact