22 March 2017

Insurance CIOs, regulators and investment leaders join IAR line up

The Association of British Insurers' (ABI) director of regulation Hugh Savill has joined a host of leading insurance industry investment professionals as a confirmed panellist at the Insurance Asset Risk conference in June.

Savill will sit with Jan Parner, the deputy director general at Danish supervisor Finanstilsynet; Emily Penn, head of capital efficiency at UK life insurer LV=; and Lauri Saraste, chief actuary at Finnish insurer Local Tapiola Life Insurance, to discuss evolving regulation and its potential impact on the 'search for yield'.

The first panel session of the day will feature NN Group's chief investment officer (CIO) Jelle Van der Giessen, CIO at Norwegian insurer Gjensidige Erik Ranberg, and head of product and investment strategy at US-headquartered asset manager Muzinich & Co Erik Müller.

Van der Giessen and co will discuss how insurers can develop strategies to navigate political shocks, unpredictable market reactions, a challenging global economic environment and a complex regulatory framework.

HSBC Insurance's global chief investment officer Alexandre Mincier will talk about the use of analytics and technology to optimise investment and liability management strategies within the complexity of the Solvency II framework. Mincier will be joined by Donald MacLeod, chief actuary and head of investments at Scottish Friendly Assurance, and SunLife's assistant vice-president, ALM, Jateen Vaghela.

Other confirmed panellists and speakers include Invesco's head of UK insurance Ed Collinge, Storebrand Life's CIO Lars Haram, Pension Insurance Corporation's head of fixed income Mark Gull, Pool Re's CIO Ian Coulman, and Phoenix Group's head of investment strategy Daniel Blamont.

The event will take place over one day at the Hilton Tower Bridge Hotel, London, on 12 June.

Click here to see the full agenda, find out about attending and sponsorship opportunities.