
  • Smooth sailing for AllianzGI trade finance funds

    23 August 2023

    David Newman, CIO for global high yield at AllianzGI, discusses how recent storms haven't rocked the boat of trade finance as an asset class.

  • Private debt now less attractive compared to public assets, AllianzGI's David Newman says

    28 March 2023

    At Insurance Asset Risk's Real Assets conference

  • Opportunities in real assets are in "pockets of value"

    28 March 2023

    Panellists tell IAR investing in real asset conference, and highlighting relative value between US and Europe

  • Free webinar: investing in trade finance for insurers

    02 November 2021

    Join us at 3pm GMT

  • Should CIOs look past recent scandals in trade finance?

    26 August 2021

    AllianzGI's David Newman says that once the healing period has past investment teams won't be able to ignore the return and low capital charges it offers. Interview by Vincent Huck