
  • Chart of the week - All roads, it seems, lead to...'infra'

    22 October 2021

    How Europe's insurers buy into infrastructure

  • Time for prudence in credit markets

    16 September 2021

    Little reward in taking credit risk right now, audience at IAR Americas conference will hear

  • QBE's investment income rebounded to $58m in H1

    12 August 2021

    Short tactical duration stance offsets mark-to-market losses on fixed income

  • The real deal - Europe's insurers primed for G7 infrastructure plan

    14 June 2021

    Leaders of the 'G7' economies announced the 'Build Back Better World' global infrastructure programme, a 'step-change' in their approach to 'mobilise private-sector capital' for the asset class as never before. Europe's insurers stand ready to help, David Walker reports.

  • The Famous Five - How CIOs trumped underwriters, again, at Lloyd's

    26 April 2021

    If you want to know when the underwriters at Lloyd's last beat its investors, cast your mind (all the way) back to 2015. The bad luck of Lloyd's underwriters is clear. The good run of its investors is largely to plan, David Walker finds.

  • News round-up - 05 March 2021

    05 March 2021

    Dai-Ichi Life; Allianz Real Estate; Beazley

  • Beazley CEO moving to QBE

    03 March 2021
  • Chart of the week: where to take risk, investments or underwriting?

    19 February 2021
  • QBE looks to underwriting as investment yields fall further

    19 February 2021

    Re-risking general account not on agenda, CFO says

  • 43% of global re/insurance assets covered by divestment policies

    02 December 2020

    Insure Our Future publishes annual scorecard on insurers' climate policies