
  • Insurers blame asset managers for insufficient look-through

    21 July 2017

    European insurers pass the buck onto asset managers for lack of reporting data, but Eiopa pursues a hard line with underwriters facing difficulty getting hands on investment data. David Walker reports

  • Insurance CIOs, regulators and investment leaders join IAR line up

    22 March 2017

    ABI chief Hugh Savill will discuss effect of changing regulation on insurers' investments

  • Higher interest rates hit NN's asset book

    16 February 2017

    Some €4bn wiped from the insurer's portfolio

  • Investing in a changing climate

    12 December 2016

    The response by insurers' investment operations to climate change has been branded embarrassing. Environmental Finance's Peter Cripps investigates what the industry can do on the asset side of the balance sheet to mitigate climate change risks in the first of a two-part analysis.

  • NN Group ramps up allocation to mortgage loans

    18 August 2016

    Realised gains on sovereign bond portfolio to take more credit risk

  • Upholding a duty to ESG investing

    10 August 2016

    NN's chief investment officer Jelle van der Giessen on investing responsibly in tough economic times. Asa Gibson reports.

  • Swiss Life REIM buys three Paris hotels

    11 December 2015

    Acquired for upscale hotel fund

  • Lummert joins JPMAM from NN

    15 September 2015

    Stefan Lummert to lead insurance advisory in Germany and Austria

  • Dutch insurers could take €900m hit on mortgage revaluation

    27 November 2014

    A looming revaluation of mortgage loans could wipe out as much as €900m ($1.1bn) off the value of assets held by Dutch life insurers, rating agency Moody's has warned.