
  • Winners of the 2022 Insurance Asset Risk Awards

    25 February 2022

    Insurance Asset Risk is pleased to announce the winners of its 2022 Awards

  • Moody's Analytics launches insurer-focused software

    29 November 2021

    RiskIntegrity Investment Insight aims to help insurers manage their investment strategies

  • Credit and the rise of duration risk

    15 July 2021

    Heightened uncertainty on the back of the pandemic and policy response to it calls for a greater focus on duration risk management, according to Moody's Analytics's Tomer Yahalom, Amnon Levy and Brett Manning.

  • US yield curve inversion - run for the hills?

    10 June 2019

    Like a bad tarot card, an inverted US yield curve normally means economic doom. March’s inversion has now morphed into the most inverted yield curve since 2007. It is likely to have insurers gazing into their charts to see how to tackle their investments. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Admiral licenses ESG from Moody's Analytics

    16 October 2017

    For modelling market risk and investments

  • New tools for understanding the impact of investment decisions on capital

    22 September 2017

    Insurers are under increasing pressure to manage the sensitivity of solvency ratios to their asset mix, but even sophisticated internal models may not be up to this task. Steven Morrison describes an alternative approach using proxy modelling

  • Generali chooses B&H proxy generator

    06 May 2014

    CRO endorses short setup time and accurate validation models

  • Moody's Analytics claims credit modelling first

    18 February 2014

    RiskFrontier 4.0 enables "bottom-up" consideration of credit and interest rate risk for the first time

  • ERM basics: Proxy techniques enable risk-based decision making

    08 January 2014

    Proxy techniques, such as least squares Monte Carlo, allow faster analysis of risks and for many insurers they have become essential tools for aiding decision making, as Brian Robinson explains