
  • Generali earns Moody's upgrade as BTP exposure falls

    09 May 2022

    But shareholder divisions earn a warning as governance risk grows

  • Ratings agencies have 'positive outlook' on China's C-Ross Phase II

    18 April 2022

    Fitch and Moody's tell David Walker Phase II new rules may lower average solvency ratios, but they will lift risk- and capital management, including for investments, at insurers

  • Taking the lead - how Xin Liu helped evolve C-Ross's market risk rules

    21 March 2022

    Xin Liu had, arguably, the most pivotal risk for CIOs in leading the development of C-Ross Phase II rules on market risk. David Walker gained exclusive insight from him on evolving the rules

  • Comment - Can C-Ross Phase II save Planet Earth?

    16 March 2022

    While the European Commission talks, the CBIRC seems to 'walk the walk' on climate change, with 10% capital discounts for green bonds

  • Moody's warns of increased volatility from geopolitical tension

    04 March 2022

    But expects insurers to weather the current turbulences

  • Winners of the 2022 Insurance Asset Risk Awards

    25 February 2022

    Insurance Asset Risk is pleased to announce the winners of its 2022 Awards

  • Rise of Illiquids and ESG shows no sign of ending at Asia's insurers

    08 December 2021

    Asia Pacific insurers predict more allocations to illiquids, flavoured by ESG considerations. The major change to investments in the region might come from greater accessibility for Western insurers, Abbie Wood finds out

  • Moody's Analytics launches insurer-focused software

    29 November 2021

    RiskIntegrity Investment Insight aims to help insurers manage their investment strategies

  • Illiquids makes up 25% of global insurers portfolios

    18 November 2021

    Thus far, insurers' strong liquidity balance the additional credit risks, Moody's says

  • US life insurers increase risky assets across the board

    17 November 2021

    Insurers holding as much as 53% in illiquids, according to Moody's