
  • PIC buys into equity release mortgage market

    06 April 2017

    Funding agreement with Retirement Advantage will help diversify the insurer's illiquid portfolio

  • Insurance CIOs, regulators and investment leaders join IAR line up

    22 March 2017

    ABI chief Hugh Savill will discuss effect of changing regulation on insurers' investments

  • Negative equity threatens lifetime mortgage assets

    26 October 2016

    The potential for falling house prices after Brexit threatens the stability of lifetime mortgage returns. Firms are modelling worst case scenarios and testing the limits of an otherwise attractive asset. Callum Tanner reports.

  • Insurers predict secondary market for matching adjustment assets

    20 October 2016

    But some fear regulators will be wary of systemic risks

  • Matching adjustment rules are tying asset managers in knots

    19 October 2016

    Investment managers need freedom to exercise skills, experts say

  • Former LV= CIO joins Phoenix board

    25 August 2016

    Wendy Mayall joins as non-executive director

  • Columbia Threadneedle hires head of insurance solutions from Pimco

    10 June 2016

    Eugene Dimitriou to structure investment solutions for insurance clients

  • Brexit and investment challenges will dominate IAR conference

    06 June 2016

    Only a week to go to the major annual insurance asset event

  • LV= chief executive to step down

    19 April 2016

    Mike Rogers to leave at the end of the year after 10 years at the mutual

  • Asset management in the Solvency II transition

    11 December 2015

    Preparing for Solvency II is one thing, but living with it will involve further refinements in how insurers approach asset management, as participants in part one this InsuranceERM/Standard Life Investments roundtable attest