
  • Old dog, new(ish) tricks? Lloyd's CIOs get all esoteric

    05 April 2023

    Lloyd's syndicates have held onto non-mainstream investments even as yields have risen - with some mixed results, David Walker finds

  • Beazley Furlonge praises 7% hedge fund returns in 2022

    05 April 2023

    Total portfolio yield was 4.7% by year's end

  • Lloyd's syndicates reveal investment fortunes - or lack thereof - in 2021

    13 April 2022

    From low rates to rising inflation, ESG to net zero, syndicates' CIOs have their hands full in 2022. David Walker reports

  • Beazley praises passive ESG for helping growth assets make 11% in 2021

    05 April 2022

    Overweight US shares, and hedge funds, contributed, too

  • Beazley struggled against bond conditions in H1 2021

    26 July 2021

    Fixed income returns were close to zero, financial results revealed

  • The Famous Five - How CIOs trumped underwriters, again, at Lloyd's

    26 April 2021

    If you want to know when the underwriters at Lloyd's last beat its investors, cast your mind (all the way) back to 2015. The bad luck of Lloyd's underwriters is clear. The good run of its investors is largely to plan, David Walker finds.

  • Lloyd's syndicates see the light on ESG investing

    12 April 2021

    Annual statements promised greater openness on sustainable practices, but some are skeptical of the London market's approach to sustainability. David Walker reports.

  • Lloyd's syndicates detail mandate terminations in 2020 and investment wishes for 2021

    01 April 2021

    Some syndicates praise hedge funds for growth-asset returns

  • News round-up - 05 March 2021

    05 March 2021

    Dai-Ichi Life; Allianz Real Estate; Beazley

  • Beazley CEO moving to QBE

    03 March 2021