
  • Comment: CIOs risk becoming fossils

    10 June 2022

    First Nations groups are merging the 'E' and 'S' in ESG - for CIOs and CUOs alike

  • Argo Group reports $187.6m in investment income in 2021

    23 February 2022

    The insurer increased US bond allocation by $25m, dropping foreign gov allocation

  • Columbia Threadneedle names new insurance head for EMEA

    18 February 2022

    Emmanuel Archampong has joined from Wells Fargo AM

  • Notes from a small island - on outsourcing by Bermuda's insurers

    16 December 2021

    David Walker tells the story of how Bermudian CIOs opened up to independent fund managers

  • Three insurers amongst 10 candidates for PRI board positions

    04 October 2021

    Only four positions are open

  • News round-up - 31 August 2021

    31 August 2021

    Ampega AM; Swiss Life AM; M&G; HSBC AM

  • Ampega Asset Management acquires German office complex

    26 August 2021
  • La Vaudoise invests in Swiss underground cargo project

    03 November 2020

    Other institutional investors involved include insurer Helvetia

  • COVID-19 hits Argo with 96.5% fall in investment income for Q2

    04 August 2020

    Insurer reported investment income of $1.5m, compared with $48.5m from same time last year

  • Few Lloyd's syndicates detail actions on climate change

    03 August 2020

    And most remain vague on the specifics