
  • Anbang to buy Allianz's South Korea units

    06 April 2016

    Chinese insurance group resumes globalisation strategy

  • Allianz acquires three additional wind parks in Finland

    30 March 2016

    German insurer now has more than €3bn invested in the renewable energy sector

  • Allianz names new asset management leaders

    10 March 2016

    Pru's Jackie Hunt and Günther Thallinger join board

  • ECB's resolutions strike insurers

    10 March 2016

    Lower interest rates and increased QE is bad news for the sector

  • Solvency II equity dampener hits the floor

    10 March 2016

    Back to level recorded at the height of the Eurozone crisis

  • Allianz Real Estate partners with VGP for €500m+ venture

    01 March 2016

    Focus will be logistics and semi-industrial real estate

  • Allianz asset managers increase performance but not profits

    22 February 2016

    Asset base shrinks as third-party outflows continue

  • Allianz's alternative investments grow 24%

    22 February 2016

    Alternatives now represent 14% of portfolio

  • 'Brexit' would hit gilts and sterling

    19 February 2016

    Pimco sees 40% chance of Brexit

  • Appointments at Allianz, Aviva

    09 February 2016

    Allianz hires ESG analyst, Aviva appoints non-executive director