
  • Insurance CIOs, regulators and investment leaders join IAR line up

    22 March 2017

    ABI chief Hugh Savill will discuss effect of changing regulation on insurers' investments

  • Berlin hotel acquired by Axa IMRA

    22 March 2017

    Adds to the €2.6bn hotel portfolio of Axa's real estate business

  • AMP Capital to fund mixed-use development with property sale

    22 March 2017

    Insurer faces stiff competition from non-insurance buyers in buying assets in Sydney

  • Yes, no, maybe: the PRA responds to industry's Solvency II reform agenda

    17 March 2017

    The UK regulator has made a point-by-point rebuttal to the Association of British Insurers' agenda for Solvency II reforms and confirmed its priority to review the reporting requirements. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Generali appoints real estate chief

    16 March 2017

    Aldo Mazzocco will oversee €25bn of real assets

  • The insurance asset management gold rush

    15 March 2017

    Enticed by lucrative revenues, insurers are pushing into the asset management business like never before. Insurer-affiliated managers are currently some of the fastest growing in the world. With regulations and low rates driving increased insurer third-party asset outsourcing, the industry is in a prime position to pick up more business. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Premiums 4 Good: QBE's unique approach to responsible investment

    10 March 2017

    Insurance Asset Risk this month will feature a number of analysis and thought leaderships on responsible investment. In this article, Tom Herbstein and Andrew Voysey from the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership discuss QBE's initiative that allows its customers to have up to 25% of their premiums invested responsibly.

  • Standard Life merges with Aberdeen to create UK's largest asset manager

    06 March 2017

    £3.8bn deal expected to achieve £200m annual savings

  • Australian supervisor warns of climate-change investment risks

    20 February 2017

    Directors of general insurers warned they ignore such risks at their peril

  • ESG investment: the bleeding edge?

    17 February 2017

    Responsible investing is increasingly mentioned in the investment process, and insurers certainly wear their ESG principles as a badge of honour. But, despite the talk, does ESG really influence investment policy? Sarfraz Thind reports