
  • Royal London reveals first year's benefit using MA

    25 April 2022

    Some 18 UK life undertakings got £76bn capital relief from mechanism, in 2021

  • Chart of the Week: UK life CIOs' reactions to pandemic revealed

    22 April 2022

    UK life CIOs are getting more of the risk budget, and 'picking their ride'

  • CIOs win more of insurers' risk budgets in pandemic

    22 April 2022

    SFCRs reveal early trends in COVID-era allocating by Europe's CIOs

  • Insurers gear up in SFCRs for 'inflation ahead', and more war

    13 April 2022

    Inflation not so high in Germany since 1981

  • Europe's insurers on lookout for market volatility, credit spreads and inflation

    11 April 2022

    As they condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine in their SFCRs

  • Just Group halves UK property sensitivity - with help from 13 asset managers

    11 April 2022

    UK group looking for infrastructure, ground rent, private placements, to replace LTMs

  • Hiscox banned reinvesting fixed income amid 2020/2021 COVID uncertainty

    11 April 2022

    Business interruption and other COVID concerns caused conservatism, SFCR reveals

  • Chart of the Week - Russia's insurers hit by Putin's war

    04 March 2022

    Russia's insurers had to be propped up by their central bank as Putin's war on Ukraine sent investments plunging

  • Winners of the 2022 Insurance Asset Risk Awards

    25 February 2022

    Insurance Asset Risk is pleased to announce the winners of its 2022 Awards

  • Chart of the week: Cool Hand Bäte

    18 February 2022

    Allianz publish its FY result in a game of two halves