Insurer Investment Outsourcing, Europe & Bermuda - Key Themes and Trends for 2024


Join us for our annual Insurance Asset Risk and Insurance Risk Data webinar. Phil Manley, Director, Insurance Risk Data, will be in conversation with David Walker, Chief Analyst, Insurance Risk Data, presenting some key findings of Insurance Risk Data's new research report – "Insurance Investment Outsourcing and Performance Report, Bermuda 2024"


David Walker
Chief analyst, Insurance Risk Data
Phil Manley
Director, Insurance Risk Data

Discussion points

A big picture view of outsourcing’s most pressing themes for Bermudian re/insurers and their outsourcing partners

The impact to be expected on outsourcing relationships – and opportunities for more work - from wide-ranging reform being planned for the insurance regulations

Insight into how PE owners are extending their mandates – is Bermuda Apollo’s, Blackstone’s and Carlyle’s ‘playground’? – but also how re/insurers are increasing their demands and influence, in IMAs with key asset managers

Insight into how outsourcing IMAs with Bermuda are changing – and will develop in future

How BMA plans for climate reporting will open up opportunities for fresh ESG and ‘net-zero’ mandates

Where do CIOs plan investing General Accounts in 2024

Country focus - Bermuda and the outlook for alternative strategies

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