Illiquid credit

    Illiquid credit attractiveness in late cycle

    As insurers increasingly position their portfolio for a turn in the cycle, is illiquid credit an investment of choice? In part three of this roundtable from Insurance Asset Risk and NN Investment Partners participants discuss how to build resilience in illiquid credit portfolios as well as the as the current regulatory considerations on illiquid investments.

    Risk management and asset valuation when investing in illiquid credit

    Investing in illiquid credit brings about a whole set of challenges in terms of risk oversight and valuation of the assets. In part two of this roundtable from Insurance Asset Risk and NN Investment Partners participants discuss why relying on rating agencies’ assessment is not an option and how to reflect the illiquidity premium in the asset valuation.

    Finding opportunities in illiquid credit

    Insurers can find the illiquid credit space crowded. Participants in part one of this roundtable from Insurance Asset Risk and NN Investment Partners discuss the opportunities and challenges to find the right assets, competing not only with other insurers, but also with other institutional investors such as banks.