Insurers' maturing net-zero strategies

Back in 2020, when most insurance companies started pledging to make their investment portfolios net-zero by 2050, the sustainability boat sailed on a wave of euphoria.

The ultimate deadline – 2050 – was a generation away, and interim targets, set at 2025 and 2030, were far enough in the future for one not to feel the anxiety of a student in front of a blank sheet of paper and a clock ticking on the wall.

One pandemic later and 2025 is right around the corner – suddenly, those goals are a lot more real than they were a few years ago.

Of course, insurers haven't been twiddling their thumbs for the last three years. But today, more than ever, when prompted to exchange ideas on the topic, the discussion quickly dives into the nuts and bolts of practical implementation.

In the fourth edition of this annual report by Insurance Asset Risk and J.P. Morgan Asset Management, insurers share their experiences and how they see the path ahead.

The report is free to download.

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