1 October 2020

Video: IAR Americas panel replay - interest rates and negative yield impact on SAA

The panel took place on 22 September at Insurance Asset Risk 2020 Americas conference, which this year was held virtually.

This panel on the impact of low interest rates and negative yield on insurers' asset allocation was sponsored by Conning, for more information please contact Daniel Finn at daniel.finn@conning.com

All panels and discussion are still available on the events platform until 23 November.


Mike Huff, Senior Director, Portfolio Management & Asset Allocation, TIAA
Daniel Finn, Managing Director, Head of North America Risk Solutions, Conning
Ruth Farrugia, Senior Vice President, MetLife
Felix Schmid, Chief Investment Officer, Sirius Group
Moderator: Vincent Huck, Editor, Insurance Asset Risk

Insurance Risk & Capital Americas Virtual 2020: Interest rates and negative yields: what does this mean for asset allocations?


USA focus