New white paper examines insurance asset management in light of COVID-19

02 June 2020

Insurance Risk Data is publishing a free white paper examining the impact COVID-19 has had on insurers and their relationships with asset managers.

The paper - COVID-19: Investment Impact White Paper, Insurance asset management strategies - analyses the broad hit to insurers from the pandemic, and how their reaction to it is evolving, with a primary focus on their investments and asset managers.

The 11-page white paper has full results of the latest investment sensitivities from selected European underwriters, showing the effect on solvency capital requirement ratios of scenarios including equities and interest rates falling, credit/sovereign spreads widening, property devaluing and FX rates fluctuating.

A longer report to follow the white paper later this month will provide the same details for more than 500 EEA and Swiss underwriters.

The white paper from the data arm of Insurance Asset Risk gives asset managers and chief investment officers (CIOs) insight into how relationships between them are being reordered as a result of the pandemic, and what CIOs demand of managers, as both now navigate arguably the toughest test of the past decade.

It also reveals findings from a proprietary industry survey, conducted at the height of volatility on markets, when respondents detailed which protection measures shielded investment portfolios the best and which they would use more in future. Readers can see how insurers in key countries were allocating to central asset classes, right on the eve of the pandemic.

The whitepaper is freely accessible here