22 April 2020

Live Q&A: Insurers' investments in dislocated markets

A panel of experts including Swiss Re’s chief economist will answer live questions from Insurance Asset Risk’s readers.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the International Monetary Fund has warned the economy will go through the worst recession since the Great Depression. It will also be far worse than the 2008 financial crisis, the international organisation added.

Will insurers’ balance sheet withstand the test? Ask our panel of experts for a live Q&A on 29 April at 3.30pm BST.

Taking questions from the audience will be Swiss Re chief economist Jerome Jean Haegeli and DWS head of European Insurance Mark Fehlmann.

You can send your questions in advance to Insurance Asset Risk’s editor at Vincent.huck@insuranceassetrisk.com or anonymously through this link.

We will also take questions live on the day. 

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