30 June 2021

Insurance Risk Data's new research offers unrivalled insight into how Europe's insurers invest

Insurance Risk Data's latest extensive research report, Insurance General Account Benchmarking Report - EEA and Switzerland 2021, gives chief investment officers (CIOs) and asset managers key market intelligence to understand exactly how insurers across the EEA andSwitzerland invest their general accounts, and plan allocating in 2021 and beyond.

Until now, only high-level analysis of how insurers allocate general accounts was possible, at EEA- or country-level.

The analytical power of Insurance Risk Data allows much more granular segmentation of insurers, to map out allocations of far more specific groupings – for instance, German solo insurers with general accounts worth €10bn ($12bn) to €50bn, or only insurance groups using Solvency II partial internal models.

The report analyses general account patterns separately for 10 EEA countries, plus Switzerland.

The Insurance General Account Benchmarking Report - EEA and Switzerland 2021 allows CIOs to benchmark themselves, and asset managers to benchmark clients and prospects, against investments of far more honed and relevant peer groups of insurers than before.

The report draws on the general account data in Insurance Risk Data for 2,400 insurers, and segments this universe into more than 100 cohorts, across 120 exhibits.

And it comes with underlying data for each exhibit in a chartbook, with data for both the 2019 and 2020 reporting years.

The segmentations in the report include:

  • Individual country, pan-EEA and Swiss;
  • Solos / groups;
  • Five size bands of general account, namely more than €100bn; €50bn to €100bn; €10bn to €50bn; €5bn to €10bn; and less than €5bn;
  • Type of Solvency II model - full internal, partial internal and standard formula;
  • Types of insurer, namely composite; pure life; pure non-life; health; and reinsurer
  • Reinsurers bisected into non-life or life risks reinsured
  • Matching adjustment users
  • Number of investment outsourcing relationships against general account size bands, Solvency II model and insurer type.

The report also has chapters also dedicated to benchmarking what types of funds European insurers use, for given asset classes.

For further information about the Insurance General Account Benchmarking Report - EEA and Switzerland 2021, and for a free sample, contact phil.manley@fieldgibsonmedia.com

General account asset allocation of EEA health insurance groups, 2019 (%)

Source: Insurance Risk Data analysis of insurers' SFCRs

Insurance Risk Data