
  • Insurers predict secondary market for matching adjustment assets

    20 October 2016

    But some fear regulators will be wary of systemic risks

  • Matching adjustment rules are tying asset managers in knots

    19 October 2016

    Investment managers need freedom to exercise skills, experts say

  • Aviva in £87m forward funding of speculative office scheme

    18 October 2016

    Commits to future development opportunities in Cambridge, UK

  • Insurers drawn to sub-investment corporate loans

    17 October 2016

    Survey shows insurers increasing credit risk appetite

  • Royal London to sell Grade I listed building

    17 October 2016

    Insurer cites income profile of property and life cycle of associated fund as drivers behind sale

  • RLAM boosts multi-asset advisory service with two hires

    17 October 2016

    Poaches business development experts from M&G and Premier Asset Management

  • Gilt investors must "think short or think global" as inflation looms

    14 October 2016

    High inflation on the cards, owing to falling pound and soaring oil prices

  • Axa IMRA expands forestry portfolio with €21.5m purchase

    13 October 2016

    Deal brings firm's total forestry assets under management to €130m

  • Second Japanese firm targets unhedged foreign bonds

    13 October 2016

    Fukoku Mutual Life joins Mitsui in buying foreign bonds without currency hedging

  • Pioneer Investments targets inflation-linked short-term sovereigns

    12 October 2016

    Manager launches strategy to shield investors from inflation risk