
  • Eiopa requests evidence on unlisted equity and debt charges

    27 April 2017

    Consultation paper launched after Commission seeks to bolster Capital Markets Union

  • Phoenix funds £45m Birmingham housing project

    26 April 2017

    Cashflows in excess of gilts will back annuity book, and sit in matching adjustment portfolio

  • Transition to alternatives helps cut UK annuity pricing

    26 April 2017

    Insurers no longer reliant on corporate bond spreads

  • Japanese insurers hunt en masse for foreign bonds

    26 April 2017

    Local bond investments will be more selective, underwriters say

  • Nuernberger's lower investment result a sign of the times for German life sector

    26 April 2017

    Finding yields above 1.2% for acceptable risk is a "considerable challenge", insurer says

  • Axa IM divests from coal reliant companies

    25 April 2017

    Manager will shed €165m in fixed income and €12m in equities to avoid holding 'stranded assets'

  • Chinese regulator demands improvement in investment risk management

    24 April 2017

    Requires firms to establish better systems to control liquidity risk and fund management

  • L&G adds £52m industrial estate to its UK property portfolio

    24 April 2017

    Asset located in Greater London offers net initial yield of 6.15%

  • Stress tests must include yield curve change and cross-sector correlations, say ESAs

    21 April 2017

    Insurers exposure to banking sector and asset valuation risks stemming from yield curve change highlighted in report

  • QBE issues green bonds to buy green bonds

    21 April 2017

    Becomes first global insurer to launch green bond