
  • UK's matching adjustment proposals fall short of expectations - ABI

    02 February 2018

    Progress in the right direction but criteria still too restrictive, argues association

  • Axa IM attracts insurers to $1.4bn of CLO deals

    02 February 2018

    Axa Investment Managers (Axa IM) has raised $1.4bn in three collateralised loan obligation (CLO) deals over the last 12 months – with insurers accounting for almost a quarter of the total.

  • Aberdeen Standard Investments launches employment fund with poverty charity

    02 February 2018

    Fund helps promote good employment practices and supports UN Sustainable Development Goal

  • Asset managers serving DB pensions have skills for life firms

    02 February 2018

    Frankfurter-Leben Gruppe among German insurers buying up pension investment assets

  • PIC funds £63m Swansea student accommodation

    02 February 2018

    PIC's investments in university campuses worth more than £300m

  • Sustainability must not be sole criterion for investment, say EU insurers

    01 February 2018

    Insurance Europe outlines steps to incorporate ESG factors following HLEG's report

  • Allianz Global Investors buys into seven French wind farms

    31 January 2018
  • US insurers not into short-term relationships with asset managers, research finds

    31 January 2018

    Insurance managers win seven net new clients on average a year

  • PIC continues social housing pledge with £40m investment

    29 January 2018
  • Fixed income investors preparing for the "new normal"

    29 January 2018

    Fixed income investors seem confident that the drop in yields is coming to an end, but are less certain about what will happen next, according to research from Invesco.