EY wins the investment advisory team award again by dint of its excellence across a range of insurance investment advisory tasks in 2019.

The company has supported clients on some of the key themes of the last twelve months - from climate risk to equity release mortgages (ERM), esoteric asset modelling to student loan securitisations.

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment was one of the main areas of work for EY last year. The company supported several insurers with the drafting and review of their climate risk business plan submissions to the UK PRA and provided guidance on implementing these plans within the context of a broader ESG strategy.

It also engaged with several asset managers looking to refine their approach to integrating ESG factors, and supported asset managers with the ESG reporting they aim to provide asset owners.

It continues to work with multiple insurers, asset managers and other investors in the ERM market. This has included the launch of new products for new entrants, raising funding from new sources, structuring investment products from reverse mortgages in overseas territories and restructuring existing securitisations leading to material balance sheet benefits for our clients.

Some of its more interesting projects this year include helping to structure US reverse mortgages and lease assets and the external securitisation of foreign equity release mortgages and infrastructure investments.

EY also maintains a strong expertise in supporting asset managers with new insurance regulations. Of particular note was its work to help a number of asset managers with the qualifying infrastructure eligibility criteria under the Solvency II Standard Formula and the possible advantageous capital treatment that could be achieved under these regulations.