Abigail Hall
Responsible Investment Manager,
Scottish Widows

Aileen Mathieson
Chief Investment Officer,
Aspen Group

Anand Rajagopal
Private Markets, Sustainability Lead,
Phoenix Group

Anne de Clermont
Head of Responsible Investment,

Ashley Hamilton Claxton
Head of Responsible Investment,
Royal London Asset Management

Benjamin Michel
Policy Analyst - Centre for Responsible Business Conduct,

Bianca Hanscombe
Head of Sustainable Investments - UK Life,

Charles Beard
Responsible Investment Manager,
Pension Insurance Corporation (PIC)

Corrado Pistarino
Chief Investment Officer,
Foresters Friendly Society

David Thompson
Chief Investment Officer UK,
Zurich Insurance Company

Eoin Murray
Head of Investment,
Federated Hermes

Erik Vynckier
Board Member,
Foresters Friendly Society

Greg Scott
Investment Manager,
Phoenix Group

Jean-François Coppenolle
Investment Director - ESG and Climate Integration,
Abeille Assurances

Joanna Wolstenholme,
Programme Officer, Nature Economy Programme,

Josh Adcock
Staff Writer,
Insurance Asset Risk

Markus Peters
Director of Fixed Income Business Development and Strategy - Responsible Investing,

Matyas Horak
Investment Manager, ESG,
Legal & General

Michelle Dunstan
Chief Responsibility Officer,
Janus Henderson Investors

Niamh Whooley
Managing Director, Head of Sustainable Investing,
Pemberton Asset Management

Nick Wood
CEO and CIO,
Resonance Asset Management

Nimisha Sodha
Responsible Investment Lead,
Just Group

Pete Flynn
Big Issue Invest Fund Management

Rachel Delhaise
Head of Sustainability,
Convex Insurance

Remi Fernandez
Manager, Human Rights & Social Issues,
Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)

Robert Leeming
News Editor,
Insurance Asset Risk

Saiyan Raja
Senior Risk & ALM Specialist,
Ortec Finance

Shipra Gupta
Investments Stewardship Lead,
Scottish Widows

Simon Atherton
Senior Climate Investment Risk Manager,
Phoenix Group

Sylvain Vanston
Executive Director, ESG Research Solutions,

Vincent Huck
Insurance Asset Risk

Ying Ye
Chief Investment Officer,
Allianz UK