Insurance Asset Risk Awards 2024 - UK & Europe

Investment Innovation of the Year: Morgan Stanley Investment Management

Morgan Stanley Investment Management's (MSIM) 1GT platform had already caught the judges' eyes last year and, once again, MSIM takes the prize for investment innovation, in 2024.

The 1GT platform has three core innovations. First is a clear and ambitious climate goal. 1GT aims to scale companies whose products will collectively avoid or remove 1 gigaton (1,000,000,000 tons) of CO2e from the atmosphere, from platform inception to 2050.

Second, MSIM's team financial incentives are tied to 1GT's climate objectives.

And third, 1GT's impact is underwritten by a third-party carbon specialist.

In the past year, the team has executed two deals, both of which contribute to the carbon avoidance goal. The first was with a supply chain platform that applies AI and predictive analytics to create smarter autonomous sustainable supply chains. The second was with a leader in sustainable nutrition, providing plant-based meals and supplements, helping people eat healthier, more convenient food.

To date, 1GT has won commitments from institutions including Scandinavian and German insurance companies and UK government authorities.

The judges described the platform as a "really interesting idea" and, although they said it was too soon to judge its success and impact, they declared that, from an innovation standpoint, it was the clear winner.