Insurance Asset Risk Awards 2024 - UK & Europe

Fixed Income Manager of the Year: Insight Investment

Insight Investment's ability to maintain a strong fixed income offering amid a choppy year for fixed income investors wins the global asset manager Insurance Asset Risk's Fixed Income Manager of the Year award.

The judges were impressed by the broad nature of Insight Investment's fixed income offering, as well as by the company's impressive performance against formidable headwinds such as the gilts crisis, and its recent innovations to counter new accounting regulations.

Throughout last year, Insight Investment worked to extend its ability to maintain portfolios to match client capital and climate objectives, while developing a solution to help clients meet enhanced reporting regulations resulting from the introduction of IFRS9.

Most notably, despite the tough year for fixed income investors, Insight met all of its client's cashflow requirements.

"We kept in close contact with our clients to help them remain well capitalised," Joshay Harkoo, an insurance investment specialist at Insight Investment, told Insurance Asset Risk. "We also helped clients target market opportunities while seeking to minimise exposure to downgrades and defaults."

During last year, Insight also worked to extend the company's capability to be able to analyse often difficult-to-capture scope 3 emissions figures, which complement existing Scope 1 and 2 emissions data.

With more data, Insight can now garner more precise measurements of carbon emissions emitted from portfolios, which, in turn, helps the construction of strategies in line with its client's targets, all while offering strong returns.