Insurance Asset Risk Awards 2024 - UK & Europe

If you think that you, a colleague, your team, your company, your supplier or your client deserve an award for an outstanding contribution to the industry in the last year, please tell us.

Each submission should explain why the nominee should win and how they have demonstrated excellence in the particular category, illustrated with examples and case studies from the past 12-18 months.

Please submit your entry via the awards platform (entries close 15th December 2023, 23:59 GMT).

You will need to create an account on the judging platform before you are able to make a nomination.

When you submit your nominations, you will be asked to:

  • Select a category
  • Provide the name of the person, company, team, system you are nominating
  • Provide up to 3 bullet points to highlight and summarise of why the nominee should win
  • Provide between 750-850 words to demonstrate how the highlights were achieved to evidence and showcase what makes your nominee stand out from the crowd and worthy of an Award. Case studies and practical examples are encouraged.
  • You can upload supporting material such as charts, graphs, photos (in pdf, excel, word) to support your written entry

(The editorial team could reference information shared in the entry if shortlisted. Please mark any sensitive information as such.)

If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact us on