Insurance Asset Risk Awards 2024 - UK & Europe

The Insurance Asset Risk Awards formally recognise the very best in insurance asset management for the UK and European markets. 

If you feel that your team, your company, a colleague, a supplier, a client or even you (you can self-nominate) deserve an award for an outstanding contribution to the industry in the last year make sure to nominate them by clicking here

When submitting your nominations, you will be asked to:

  • Select a category
  • Provide the name of the person, company, team, system you are nominating
  • Provide 3 bullet points to highlight and summarise why the nominee should win
  • Provide between 750-850 words to evidence and showcase what makes your nominee stand out from the crowd and worthy of an award. Case studies and practical examples are encouraged.
  • You can upload supporting material such as charts, graphs, photos (in pdf, Excel, Word) to support your written entry

The deadline for entries is midnight (GMT) on Friday 15th December 2023. 

Submit your entry here