Insurance Asset Risk Awards 2022 - North Americas

Structured debt manager of the year - Wellington Management

For the second year running Wellington Management snatches the structured debt manager of the year IAR North America award.

Led by Alyssa Irving, portfolio manager and structured debt specialist, Wellington, has been expanding its scope in the insurance sector, with the fundamentals of security selection and economic research added to with new initiatives like ESG analysis.

Wellington managed $47.5bn in securitised credit as of 30 June 2022, including $13.6bn in dedicated securitised mandates that Irving manages on behalf of insurance and bank clients. This makes Wellington the second largest investment manager of bank loans and CLOs for insurers in the US, and the fourth largest manager of residential mortgage-backed securities and other securitised.

Irving is leading an initiative to enhance their securitised investment process and foster further collaboration across research, trading, risk management, and investment boutiques by creating forums for sharing ideas and unique perspectives to generate better outcomes for clients.

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