Vincent Huck

Articles by Vincent Huck

  • Risk of Japanification is not a worst case, Swiss Re chief economists say

    13 November 2019

    Haegeli and Holzheu predict increased allocation to illliquids and non-EU assets for European insurers

  • Take a guess: 10-year German bund yields at the end of 2021?

    13 November 2019

    Munich Re chief economist gives his view

  • AllianzGI CEO Andreas Utermann to step down

    12 November 2019

    Tobias Pross and Deborah Zurbow to replace Utermann as CEO and head of investments respectively

  • Comment: Cover this govvy which I may not behold

    12 November 2019

    The momentum around responsible investing will achieve nothing if insurers don’t address the bulk of their investment holdings namely government bonds, Vincent Huck writes. The 17th century French playwriter Molière has his say, too.

  • Aviva Asia CIO jumps ship to Invesco

    11 November 2019

    Jaijit Kumar appointed head of Asia insurance solutions, as Invesco identifies Asia as the biggest opportunity in insurance investment services

  • "IFRS9 not on the backburner but in the comfortable department," IASB's Scott

    06 November 2019

    Implementation timeline debate is still on the table, although IASB is reluctant to delay further

  • Insurers are increasingly considering sub-investment grade assets

    06 November 2019

    EY’s Gareth Mee says asset allocation is the best shield for life firms in the low rates environment

  • Aviva Investors invests £250m in Cambridge commercial property

    04 November 2019

    Investment made in partnership with PSP Investments

  • LGIM Real Assets invests £125m in City of London’s projects

    04 November 2019

    Investment made via a green and sustainable financing framework

  • Axa IMRA acquires Japanese residential tower

    04 November 2019

    Acquisition is third in Nagoya city and 11th in Japan