Vincent Huck

Articles by Vincent Huck

  • The Secret CIO: When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

    05 May 2020

    Could Tuco teach a trick or two to insurance investors wondering when will be the right time to draw their investment guns in the COVID-19 crisis?

  • Mapfre turns to offence

    04 May 2020

    In the first of a two part interview, Michael Morosi, global equity manager at Mapfre, explains the change of regime the market is currently undergoing and where the opportunities lie for long term investors. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • Free webinar: "Who needs two kidneys?"

    04 May 2020

    Panellists: Swiss Re' Haegeli, DWS's Fehlmann, Just Group's Bailey

  • COVID-19 will spur sustainability work at EU level

    01 May 2020

    Invesco head of public policy says, as Solvency II 2020 review delayed

  • The secret CIO: 'We're done running around like headless chickens'

    30 April 2020

    As the dust of the initial market turmoil settles, business as usual is in order

  • French government pressures insurers to finance recovery

    22 April 2020

    In response, industry to step up commitments

  • French regulator calls for prudence in own funds management

    22 April 2020

    And predicts sharp decline in value of assets and equity for the sector

  • Italian insurance association buys rail operator

    22 April 2020

    Investment tagged as ESG friendly in the context of COVID-19 crisis

  • French trade bodies ask firms to cancel SMEs' rents

    20 April 2020

    Cancellation of three months of rent would be automatic but would exclude charges

  • Mapfre finds "great companies on sale" in COVID-19 mist

    16 April 2020

    Spanish insurer invested in Disney and other brands taking advantage of market sell off