Vincent Huck

Articles by Vincent Huck

  • Coal activists widen their scope of action to oil and gas

    18 June 2020

    Move answers a question long asked by Insurance Asset Risk

  • CFAs wary of COVID-19 asset mispricing

    16 June 2020

    Survey finds 96% believe liquidity dislocation and government interventions increase chances of mispricing

  • Total to become Groupama's tenant

    16 June 2020

    Oil and gas company signed a 12-year renewable lease for its Parisian headquarters

  • Hiscox appoints CFO for Hiscox London Market

    16 June 2020

    Christian Nielsen is currently CFO of Hiscox UK

  • EIOPA calls for non-financial information to be audited

    16 June 2020

    European watchdog said verification requirements would improve reliability and comparability of ESG data

  • IAR survey: Insurers express satisfaction with central banks' pandemic reactions

    15 June 2020

    As happened in the other recent crises central banks stepped into markets impacted by COVID-19. But did they do enough, and were they fast enough? Insurance Asset Risk gauges insurance stakeholders' opinions. Vincent Huck reports

  • IAR survey: Insurers split on likelihood of a second COVID-19 wave

    08 June 2020

    Insurance Asset Risk surveyed the market on the shape of the COVID-19 recovery and found insurers divided on the likelihood of a second wave of the pandemic, though more positive about the recovery than third-party asset managers helping them. Vincent Huck reports

  • COVID-19 shock is reality check for SII framework, Cattolica's CIO says

    05 June 2020

    Massimo di Tria's comments after local regulator ordered insurer to increase capital by €500m

  • Webinar Q&A: The evolution of the GA

    04 June 2020

    Insurance Asset Risk and FactSet held a webinar on 21 May on considerations for insurers investing amid the current market volatility and on how COVID-19 might create a 'new normal' for insurers' strategic asset allocation. Panellists tackle the questions left unanswered on the day due to time constraints, after the initial discussion. Compiled by Vincent Huck

  • CNP Assurances to divest from tobacco

    27 May 2020

    French insurer has brought down its investment in the sector to €200m over past two years