Vincent Huck

Articles by Vincent Huck

  • Chart: EEA insurers invest five times more in USA corporates than USA govvies

    09 October 2020

    Almost 20% dip in USA equity allocations in the first quarter of 2020

  • Video: IAR Americas panel replay - scenario testing applied to SAA in times of uncertainty

    09 October 2020

    Panel sponsored by Factset

  • MACIF launches €20m affiliated impact asset manager

    07 October 2020

    Manager linked to French government initiative for a "social and solidarity economy"

  • SCOR appoints new CFO

    01 October 2020

    Ian Kelly takes over Mark Kociancic, who goes to Everest Re

  • IAR 2020 Americas: Day 2 round up

    23 September 2020

    All panels and sessions are available on demand

  • IAR 2020 Americas: NAIC puts liquidity stress tests on ice, due to the live one underway

    23 September 2020

    Code name: COVID-19

  • Alternatives have emerged even stronger from COVID-19 crisis

    23 September 2020

    IAR 2020 Americas: Panellists expect trend toward greater allocation to illiquids to accelerate

  • Financial institutions on track for IBOR phase out

    23 September 2020

    Insurers, asset managers and banks better prepared now than a year ago, according to Moody's survey

  • IAR 2020 Americas: Day 1 round up

    22 September 2020

    Insurance Asset Risk annual Americas conference held virtually on 22 and 23 September

  • Things are never so bad they can't get worse - USA CIOs' new mantra

    22 September 2020

    IAR Americas audience heard from a pretty pessimistic CIO panel