Vincent Huck

Articles by Vincent Huck

  • Scor’s Kessler predicts a blessing for the industry

    06 November 2018

    From S&P European Insurance Conference: Rates expected to rise and spreads to widen gradually

  • North American insurers expect investment returns to fall short of their targets

    31 October 2018

    80% of CIOs agree that business outperformance will require taking greater investment risk, according to survey

  • One tenth of the world’s 500 largest asset managers are insurers

    30 October 2018

    Assets of the largest insurers globally grew by 48% in 2017, according to WTW's research

  • Allianz acquires Portuguese solar farm

    30 October 2018

    Bringing the insurer’s portfolio of solar farms and wind parks to 91

  • African insurance - a premium led business

    30 October 2018

    Hurdles remain to generate investment returns in Africa for insurers, panellists tell the audience at a London event held under the Chatham House rule and attended by Vincent Huck.

  • Chinese and UK investment associations sign MoU

    26 October 2018

    Paving the way for exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and UK asset managers

  • UK with-profit funds record average returns of 6.22% in 2017

    24 October 2018

    According to a survey of 52 funds across 20 insurers

  • Generali acquires Polish asset manager

    23 October 2018

    Union Investment TFI holds €3.3 bn of assets under management

  • Schroders takes remaining £80bn of Scottish Widows mandate

    23 October 2018

    As part of a wealth management strategic partnership agreement with Lloyds Banking Group

  • Dutch insurer commits €100m to BlackRock euro property fund

    18 October 2018

    a.s.r.’s first investment in unlisted real estate outside of the Netherlands