Vincent Huck

Articles by Vincent Huck

  • Policy risk top of mind for UK insurers

    26 February 2019

    Rothesay Life CFO warns at ABI annual conference

  • US and UK strike post Brexit derivatives deal

    25 February 2019

    Three-part agreement aims to reassure market regardless of soft or hard Brexit

  • Transitioning from Libor: complex questions and no answers

    21 February 2019

    The discontinuation of Libor will affect trillions of contracts across the global financial industry, Insurance Asset Risk reveals the scope of the impact on insurers and the unanswerable question they face in a transition period filled with uncertainty. Vincent Huck reports

  • Bernardino forecasts minor adjustments to PRIIPs regulation

    21 February 2019

    Eiopa chairman replied to industry associations during scrutiny hearing on PRIIPs

  • UNEP FI publishes real estate impact investing framework

    14 February 2019

    Insurers’ real estate investment units take leading role in its development

  • Ifrs 17 - accuracy over clarity

    14 February 2019

    Colin Dutkiewicz, chair of the life board at the UK Institute and Faculty of Actuaries cuts through the complexity of accounting standard Ifrs 17, examining its potential impact on insurers' investment strategies and asset allocation, as well as on their overall operations. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • French insurers committed €1.2bn in partnership to fund unlisted SMEs

    13 February 2019

    The five insurers and an investment bank invested in 63 funds

  • Hard Brexit risks leaving UK insurers on a 'capital cliff edge'

    12 February 2019

    As a no-deal Brexit hovers over the financial industry like the sword of Damocles, sovereign holdings could be a bigger risk for the solvency positions of UK insurers' than for their European rivals. The Association of British Insurers wants the regulator to act, and fast

  • Esma launches consultation on liquidity stress test for EU funds

    08 February 2019

    Guidance aims to promote supervisory convergence across the EU

  • EU bodies seal preliminary agreement on cross-border fund distribution

    07 February 2019

    Text to pass through technical trilogue before first reading in EU Parliament