Vincent Huck

Articles by Vincent Huck

  • KLP fully divests from coal

    08 May 2019

    $370m of investments excluded as part of new coal policy

  • BaFin's Solvency II review wish-list

    08 May 2019

    Negative rate modelling and investment relief for life insurers top regulator's list

  • Aviva France’s diversification journey

    07 May 2019

    Chief investment officer Philippe Taffin explains the evolution of his firm’s investment portfolio over the last six years, the relationship between the different Aviva subsidiaries and why he believes there should be a Solvency II treatment of ESG risk. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • IASB proposes IFRS 9 change in light of Ibor reform

    07 May 2019

    Standard setter proposed amendments to provide relief from specific hedge accounting requirements

  • M&G appoints manager for £567.9m UK fund

    07 May 2019

    Rory Alexander promoted to the role

  • Investment income propels AIG Europe to pre-tax profit

    03 May 2019

    Investment gains in 2018 offset underwriting loss

  • Allianz takes stake in Czech gas distribution network

    03 May 2019

    Macquarie-led consortium exercised rights over remaining share in innogy for €1.8bn

  • China opening the door further for foreign players

    02 May 2019

    New measures should make it easier for foreign firms to manage market risk

  • Thai insurer with $400m in assets becomes Allianz franchise

    01 May 2019

    Partnership across both life and general insurance businesses to increase local investments

  • Moody’s issues poor outlook for Uruguayan insurers

    01 May 2019

    Earnings take hit from price competition, natcats and agricultural claims