Sarfraz Thind

Articles by Sarfraz Thind

  • Brexit leaves insurers facing an uncertain investment future

    27 June 2016

    Most UK insurers hedged against risks, which should reduce impact

  • FSOC warns of continued low rate impact on insurer portfolios

    27 June 2016

    Net yield on US insurance assets declining since 2009

  • Safe haven bond markets tighten on Brexit vote as peripherals widen

    24 June 2016

    German 10-year bund at new record low

  • Aegon AM hires Black as US chief

    23 June 2016

    Previously CIO at Calamos Investments

  • Creativity is the key for Ageas's Vermeir

    22 June 2016

    Ageas's CIO Wim Vermeir tells Sarfraz Thind how, with negative yields biting, he has been steering the insurer towards a more dynamic portfolio

  • Axa Investment Managers hires Price to lead UK insurance solutions

    22 June 2016

    Reports to Mathilde Sauvé, head of institutional solutions

  • Swiss Life Asset Managers acquires commercial building in Frankfurt-Bornheiim

    22 June 2016

    Comprises 3,700 sq metres rental space

  • Allianz appoints HSBC Securities for Asian fund administration

    21 June 2016

    To handle group and daily reporting in six Asian markets

  • Brexit fuels uncertainty on UK illiquid asset investment

    21 June 2016

    Withdrawal of EIB guarantee could harm UK investment prospects

  • Insurers paring down external asset managers to reduce complexity

    21 June 2016

    Industry looking to multi-asset managers and total return over benchmarking, says Axa