Sarfraz Thind

Articles by Sarfraz Thind

  • Pimco launches ILS business

    25 January 2019

    Poaches Pagnani from Mt Logan to lead effort

  • Wade to leave role as Connecticut insurance commissioner

    17 December 2018

    She will be succeeded by Paul Lombardo on an interim basis

  • Allianz invests in New York and Boston buildings

    07 December 2018

    Targets $110bn for US real estate by 2020

  • US bull market will end in 2019, institutions expect

    06 December 2018

    A financial crisis will follow within five years, they tell Natixis survey

  • Dai-ichi Life to invest $100m in US CML

    04 December 2018

    First foray into asset through subsidiary Asset Management One

  • US P&C sector expected to shun riskier assets in 2018

    04 December 2018

    Increased volatility, lower growth and tighter monetary policy conditions are likely to see a shift away from riskier assets by US P&C insurers in the next 12 months, according to a report by AM Best. By Sarfraz Thind

  • Allianz, Axa invest in French fibre business

    03 December 2018

    Joint venture acquires 49% stake in Altice France offshoot

  • US insurer funding risks declined significantly since crisis, says Fed

    30 November 2018

    Brexit one of the key near-term threats for US investors

  • Penn Mutual AM targeting the smaller insurer

    27 November 2018

    Penn Mutual Asset Management is on the lookout for insurer assets. Since it rebranded in 2014, the Penn Mutual affiliate has been saying it is on a push to target the small-tier US insurance market that it believes to be poorly catered for by larger asset managers. But does it have what smaller insurers want? By Sarfraz Thind

  • Spiking default threat for US life insurers, says Moody’s

    16 November 2018

    Insurers who have stretched for yield without appropriate care will be found out