Graham Cooper

Articles by Graham Cooper

  • Allianz says policy changes needed to boost renewables investment

    03 July 2017

    Insurer warns policymakers that moving from feed-in tariffs to auctions could hurt investor appetite

  • Allianz backs US solar project

    06 June 2017

    German insurer's global investment business completes back leveraged loan

  • London's super sewer, partly owned by Allianz and Swiss Life, seeks up to £400m

    31 May 2016

    Bazalgette Tunnel aims to raise between £200m and £400m from a sale of bonds

  • US insurers warned about carbon asset risk

    24 May 2016

    Group of investors recommends how insurers should deal with carbon asset risk

  • John Hancock invests $227m in solar energy projects

    04 May 2016

    Supports its commitment to clean energy and sustainability

  • Babson joins BoA's $8bn sustainable investments initiative

    07 April 2016

    MassMutual involved in high-impact sustainable investments

  • LGIM urges companies to focus on low-carbon opportunities

    08 October 2015

    Don't just look at the risks, the firm says