David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Asian ESG push given fresh impetus by Manulife revelations

    10 June 2022

    Three-quarters of Asians surveyed want companies engaged in local communities

  • Falling yen bolsters Japan lifers' investment results

    09 June 2022

    Fitch expects "robust investment income" in next nine months

  • Signal Iduna reveals return expectations from solarpark and thoughts on 'green' charges

    09 June 2022

    Dortmund insurer says cut charge for infrastructure "not determinative" of investment decision

  • Signal Iduna and HansaInvest Real Assets buy Europe's largest solar park

    07 June 2022

    Investment uses power-purchase agreement for "attractive return in low-interest environment"

  • Regulator tells Chinese CIOs to achieve net-zero in investments

    06 June 2022

    CBIRC has released green finance guidelines

  • Chart of the Week - Fossil fuel dividends lost in transition?

    03 June 2022

    Market expects nearly one-third of UK dividends to come from fossil fuels

  • Comment - So, make your mind up, are you an insurer, or an investor?

    03 June 2022

    Europe's insurers are now 79% investors, according to Solvency II data at least

  • Comment - What insurers can learn from the furore about HSBC AM and climate change

    01 June 2022

    Any insurers arguing climate change doesn't matter are shooting at their own feet

  • Alternative fund allocations leap 36% during pandemic

    01 June 2022

    Infrastructure and PE fund managers benefitted most since Q4 2019

  • Allianz extends UK arm's investments in private debt and CRE funds

    01 June 2022

    Underwriter looking for better yields, also in high-grade credit