David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Comment - yields are back, but every silver lining has its clouds

    10 August 2022

    Inflation, and threat of surrenders, could wipe smiles from lifers' faces yet

  • Groupama unit reveals 4% Russia/Ukraine exposure

    09 August 2022

    Outsourcing details also revealed in Italian's solvency and financial condition report

  • German insurer buys into bullion

    09 August 2022

    Non-life firm purchased an ETF to diversify its investments in 2021

  • Comment - Inflation-linked bonds won't be enough for much 'insurance inflation'

    08 August 2022

    Hiking returns in line with CPI rises may fall short, in the short term, for many non-life insurers

  • Bumpy investment markets, and natcats, dent Suncorp's full-year result

    08 August 2022

    Australian insurer ready to redeploy into risk assets when volatility subsides

  • AXA shareholders welcome better reinvestment yields

    05 August 2022

    Expected to boost investment income by €400m in 2022

  • Allianz reinvestment yields leap in Q2

    05 August 2022

    German life sales 86% in "preferred lines"

  • Chart of the week - Outsourcing revealed

    05 August 2022

    Data reveals prevalence of investment outsourcing by EEA insurers

  • Pain relief - Sellers of life back books find their remedy

    04 August 2022

    Life CIOs once yearned for back book sales to reduce their yield-pain. But might higher interest rates do the same job, David Walker asks

  • Ageas life unit ceases outsourcing

    04 August 2022

    Portuguese unit revealed cessation in its solvency and financial condition report