David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Chart of the Week - An open letter to Larry Fink

    07 October 2022

    Insurance Risk Data (and BlackRock) reveal reasons insurance CIOs use ETFs

  • Spanish group's equity risk more than doubled as markets jumped in 2021

    05 October 2022

    Analysis by Insurance Risk Data details moves in CIOs' market risk elements in 2020/2021

  • Are 'collectibles' and artworks good for general accounts? Two insurers frame their arguments

    04 October 2022

    From gold to holiday homes, Europe's insurers searched far and wide for yield in 2021

  • Munich Re unit expands 'buy-and-maintain' approach to active investment portfolio

    04 October 2022

    Belgian unit reveals costs for outsourcing

  • Chart of the week - Europe's captive insurers reveal their outsourcing habits

    03 October 2022

    Captive insurers may be below-the-radar, but they're getting on top of some decidedly interesting asset allocations

  • Belgian insurer spells out details of outsourcing with four independent asset managers

    03 October 2022

    Non-lifer gives volumes and asset breakdowns for each mandate

  • Allianz unit cuts ETFs, goes direct into equities for IFRS 9 and 17

    03 October 2022

    Allianz Benelux transfers €1.5bn assets to Monument Re, to get nearer VA reference portfolio

  • Inflation rockets to top risk for insurers in BlackRock survey

    27 September 2022

    Liquidity a concern for all at classes

  • French CIO reveals uniquely French investment in general account - a vineyard

    26 September 2022

    Macif was not only French insurer turning to the bottle

  • French insurer takes to capital-lite long-term equity funds in 2021

    26 September 2022

    La Securitie Familiale meanwhile sees equity funds underperform direct holdings by half