David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Sirius Point reveals "significant influence" over external asset managers

    07 November 2022

    Bermudian reinsurer is diversifying outsourcing relationships beyond hedge fund Third Point LLC

  • Comment: Net-zero insurers putting lobbyists in their sights

    04 November 2022

    CIOs are starting to dismantle the super-structures of influence that support fossil fuels

  • Chart of the Week - CIO reveals projections on where Solvency II investment SCR will go

    04 November 2022

    Insurance Risk Data reveals how to read the mind of a CIO

  • German insurer stress-tests alternative investments

    03 November 2022

    Details emerge as ever more German CIOs buy beyond the mainstream

  • Groupama AM identifies companies with warzone production lines for client

    03 November 2022

    One CIO sells out of 'Kremlin' as uncertainty bites

  • 'I can't believe it's not beta' - insurers reveal their market sensitivity

    02 November 2022

    Worldwide CIOs are working out how far their GAs can defy market falls

  • Pet insurer outsources, for a better world with LGIM

    02 November 2022

    Investment management fees jump 42% in 2021

  • Investment fees leap at the Pru

    01 November 2022

    As with-profits fund buys into alternatives

  • French insurer ties investment mandate to firm's target Solvency II ratio

    01 November 2022

    Naming minimum allowable ratio shows growing importance of capital absorption by CIOs

  • Chart of the week - Quarter-by-quarter transparency into market risk elements

    28 October 2022

    Danish general insurer gives unrivalled public details on market risk SCR since 2019